What Next?
I guess judging by the internet traffic, after the GE, it is always a lull period for bloggers and their website. I've been thinking of several topics to write on and hope that I can get some feedback on it. Here are some choices:
1) The "Super-Seven" Ministers
After the 2001 GE, seven new candidates have been thrown into office position. They are, Tharman Shanmuguratnam, Dr Balaji Sadasivan, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Raymond Lim, Khaw Boon Wan, Dr Ng Eng Hen and Cedric Foo. With the exception of Cedric Foo, the rest of them are established Ministers. This article will be like a report card, looking into ups and downs of the six Ministers and the major policies that they have introduced.
2) The Man Who Almost Became Prime Minister - Lim Chin Siong
In the history books, he was always labelled as a Communist who seeks violence by riots. However, history is written and often distorted by those who "won" and not those who made them. Lim Chin Siong was once introduced by Lee Kuan Yew to David Marshall as the "Future Prime Minister". But we all know who became the PM eventually. He was said to be charismatic Chinese leader who can mobilize a crowd by his words. The turning point came when he defected from the PAP and formed his own party, Barisan Sosialis. The PAP was just an empty shell without him and his union support. But, later during the merger with Malaya, he was cruelly jailed for years under ISA that left him in depression. This article looks at the history of the man who almost became Prime Minister, his life, his works and his credits.
3) Opposition II - Singapore Democratic Party
Earlier I wrote on the Worker's Party and their history. This article will feature SDP and their ups and downs. The infamous party split and ousting of Chiam See Tong, the founder of the SDP, and the transition to Dr Chee Soon Juan.
4) About Thrasymachus - Boring!
A shameless attempt at writing on the mystery author of this blog aka me! Writing about him can be so boring that he may never finish writing about himself due to the sleep-inducing content.
Note: Earlier, I have posted the wrong photo of Francis Seow and have mistakened Dr Francis Seow-Cheon for the former-WP Francis Seow. My deepest apologies to Dr Francis Seow-Cheon and family. The photo has been removed with immediate effect.
Write about yourself la lol...
Posted by
at82 |
May 30, 2006 7:36 PM
I would like to hear about lim chin siong but having saud that, I enjoy all your articles so anyone will do.
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 30, 2006 8:59 PM
I vote for the super 7
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 30, 2006 9:55 PM
All the above seem to me to be interesting topics to read. How about all of em'? One at a time...
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 30, 2006 11:16 PM
I am eagerly waiting for your articles. Please make it sooner than later. Thanks for taking the time to write. You have an excellent command of the language.
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 31, 2006 7:50 AM
How about a story about the super ministerial salaries? When Wong Kan Seng hopped from Mindef to Hewlett Packard, he was then staring at only a fixed $150 a year increment for next 10 years (other civil servants $75/year increment). You may the only one with the resources to chart a graph of the trend of the ministerial salary over the past years. It would be interesting to see if the spike was timed with the ascent of Lee Hsien Loong.
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 31, 2006 8:35 AM
super7 should be interesting!
Posted by
locky2ky |
May 31, 2006 12:54 PM
Hi All
Thanks for all your kind comments. Will definitely do my best in the coming articles. Most likely, I guess I will start with the "Super Seven" and see if anything interesting comes along.
Thanks for suggesting this interesting topic as well. I guess you've got quite interesting data as well. Many would agree with you that the Ministers' pay is an issue. It is easy to provoke debates to lower it, but the effects are like opening a pandora box. Nonetheless, thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep that in mind.
Posted by
Thrasymachus |
May 31, 2006 6:03 PM
z: this is a competitive world; you need to keep comments flowing and deal with events like IPS forum, GCT's comments, etc.
Posted by
Anonymous |
June 04, 2006 4:25 PM
what about the other 4?
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 07, 2006 12:16 AM
You compare a minister's role to a job. To help people you need passion and character. And that is why we don't employ a government but elect. If I have to pay so much to employ a government like that then the current cabinet certainly don't fit the bill.
Wake Up lah!
Posted by
Anonymous |
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Posted by
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