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Saturday, August 06, 2005 

National Day: Beyond You and Me
My 2-cents worth in evoking nationalism…

I think anyone with a pair of function eyes can see that there aren’t many National flags hanging out of the HDB windows, less those with the full and complete set (the whole HDB block and every apartment hanging their flags) done by the resident’s committee (RCs). Meng Seng (Singaporealternative.blogspot) might equate this to silent protest against the ruling PAP government but I think that these errant ones may only constitute to less than 20% of the non-displaying of flags population. The rest are simply bochap (or couldn’t care less) or are too lazy to do so. National Day isn’t about you against the PAP or support-the-PAP-day. As correctly mentioned by Meng Seng, Singapore doesn’t equates to PAP and rightly so. If a person chose not to display the National Flag for the reason that he/she is against the PAP government, I think he/she is just puerile.

Since our independence, we have been called many names: "the red dot among the sea of green", "the country size of a snort aka mucus" and "China's lackey". How many Singaporeans stood up to that? But when the prices go up, everyone moans and groans, curse and swore at the government. It is not my nature to make moral judgment on anyone but some of the complaints are rather biased and narrowed-minded. We are never the most contented or do we treasure what we have as much as we should have. At most times, the people who complained are the people who have benefited from the system (implicitly and explicitly) and the reason that they can complaint is because the system, which they hated, has helped them to. For a small country like Singapore, our wealth and standard of living is world class. Skeptics would have argued in comparison with Hong Kong. But this is unfounded and I can raise many reasons to counter that argument.

The education we have, the schools we stayed in, the HDB we lived, the jobs we have, the MRT and transport we commuted in and many other tangible and intangible assets that we enjoy don't come overnight or by chance. Do you think investors would flock to Singapore if we do not have a clean and corrupt government? Would they come and invest if we do not have this first class infrastructure? Yet, year on year, we have a budget surplus. As Margaret Thatcher said, Singapore is nothing short of a man-made miracle.

I'm not implying that our government is almighty and we will never need an opposition. I'm not pro-government and pro-PAP. But it is that attitude to the people which shock me most. If you think you income is not high enough, are you not working hard enough? If you think our government is corrupt, try going to Philippines and see if you can apply for a driving license without having to bribe. I’ve been meeting some residents and helping them to break the poverty trap but reality bites. Quite often there will be people whose utility supply was cut off, accumulated up to 5 police offences that are cause by his personal negligence and doesn’t even make an effort to find a job. His wife simply told me that she is reluctant to work anything more than part time as it is tiring. The constituent doesn’t intend to work beyond a security guard because it is an easy job. How do you expect the government to help you if you don't help yourself?

The world at large has faced many challenges and threats such as terrorism, rising oil prices and growth of China and India. Each threat is real and present but to a Singaporean, it is only another article in the Straits Times and would not think that it will affect them. Each time, Singaporeans expect the government to meet their expectations, safeguard their interest and shelter them from these challenges, so much so as to take our safety, economic prosperity and wealth for granted. If the government failed to meet our expectations, we will fire all criticism at them and publicly lynch them with our sharpen tongues. If the government met our expectations, don’t expect words of thanks but maybe we will still criticize them for the high Ministers’ pay.

We are a young nation thrown into deep and unfriendly waters of the world. But in a short forty years, not only have we learnt to swim, but we have also swum faster than most other nations. In the next 10 years, we will face more competitions and more unknowns. Allow to spell out the challenges that you, me and all other Singaporean Youths will face:

Economically, we will face many challenges from our neighbouring countries and growing Asian powers such as China and India. We are still "licking" our wounds from the lost of shipping giants, Maersk and Evergreen to our neighbours couple of years ago. With Thailand planning to build the Kra canal, which bypass all shipping lines of the Straits of Malacca to the east, it has threatened to deprive Singapore of our important port businesses. Our neighbours are getting more and more competitive and might eventually catch up or even surpass our standards. The success factors that brought us prosperity in the last 10 years are quickly replicated by Thailand and Malaysia. We tried to go into the medical industry, Thailand under cut our cost by 8 times. We tried to do value-added high technology products, Malaysia setup their multi-media super corridor at Klang Valley. We can no longer rely on our past success factors but have to constantly find new niche for ourselves and the generation after us.

The meteorically economic rise of China and India have made us less attractive to foreign investors but we have survived the economic tsunami with only the worst unemployment rate peaking at 4.5%. Economists thought that we have suffered and survived the initial brunt and shock to our labour markets and things should be better but we will never know. There is still an element of unknown in terms of the potential of the Chinese and Indian economy. Slowly but surely, the world is reverting to a three super-power status again.

Domestically, our unemployment rates (presently 3.6%) have seemingly stabilized but old jobs are gone and new jobs are not regenerating. More and more graduates hit the streets jobless. A degree is no longer a passport to a well-paid job. Our domestic market is too small to be self-sustaining, unlike Thailand or China. We can no longer provide cheap labour and compete with countries like China and India. Thus, we have to shift from labour-intensive to knowledge/technology-based intensive. However, this transition will not be a smooth-sailing one. In the past, each percentage increase in our GDP represents the creation of 12,000 jobs but today, each percentage increase only accounts for 8,000 jobs.

You don’t need to be any economic genius to know that our manufacturing industry is bleeding. It is now only supported by the bio-medical and oil related industries. Other industries and SMEs will continue to see their businesses seeping away into the Chinese markets. Jobs will be lost and we have to find the duel track (secondary economy) to sustain the losses. On the same token, every percentage drop in the GDP is a loss of 8,000 jobs.

For the finance industry, several MNCs and large banking corporations are moving their headquarters to Hong Kong and Mumbai due to their talents and favourable time zones.

Regionally, by size and weight, we are a small kid in an unfriendly neighbourhood. We are constantly being the "punching bag" for our neighbours should any of their elections looms near. The former Malaysian PM found us as a convenient “enemy” to unite the Malay people. For the water issues, we are labeled “arrogant” and “uncaring” and from time to time, our counterparts threatened to turn off the taps on us. Even when then-DPM Lee Hsien Loong visited to Taiwan; it caused China to blow hot air at us for three months.

We are a very vulnerable state, with no self-sustaining water resources or any other resources. The economic impact of SARS just goes to show how fragile we can be. A relatively unknown disease can virtually wipe our service sectors out, crippled our transport systems and scare away foreign investors.

Yet, we prevailed and emerged stronger. But have we learnt? I don’t think the Singaporeans have understand how vulnerable our position and status quo. Ask any 20 year old Singaporean walking on Orchard Road of their opinions of Singapore’s challenges and political thoughts, and you will receive no answer. Our youth are far too pampered and shielded from the storm by their parents and the Government. To think that they will be the ones at the forefront in 10-20 years time, make you wonder of whether Singapore can withstand another “tsunami”.

Amidst all these moaning and groaning, the only thing on some Singaporeans’ minds is to leave this “repressed” nation whenever they have the chance. To them, this is not their country but a “comfortable prison” or a “3-star hotel”. We always like to think that there is always a greener pasture outside Singapore, one that is the land of the free and home of the brave (aka USA). Little did they know that their greener pastures still have unequal voting rights for minorities (Blacks, Hispanics and Asians), racial discrimination, welfare system that does not cater to the poor and needy and guns in every household (for the state of Florida). European countries fared no better and suffered double digit unemployment for many years. Don’t expect yourself to walk in the streets of Rome or Boston in the middle of the night expecting the same kind of safety in Singapore.

My point is that, we have something very special, intangible and valuable in our home and our nation. We make this nation our home and our place not because we are born into this land but it is because we choose to do it. It is not about the petty arguments we have against each other but something that goes far beyond you and me. Our Government has done miracles in transforming a kampong slum with no resources, to an Asian economic power with US$170 Billion reserve, in 40 years of independence. All credit to the former Prime Minister and now Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and his team for our present well-being. It is high time that the youth of today take this baton and weather the storm ahead of us. If you want ownership, be prepared to take responsibility. They might have done a wonderful job in bring us from third world to the first but if we do not carry on that baton and take ownership, all that will go to waste. It's time to think, are you a Singaporean by birth or by heart? By the way, I am not a citizen of the world; I am a citizen of Singapore by birth, by choice, by blood and by heart.

Changes must be made and voices must be heard. We need more like-minded youth to be gathered, be prepared and plan for our future. To succeed we have to stop day-dreaming for our neighbours to fail and stop over-relying on the government to provide. The country is not made up on 20+ Cabinet Ministers but you and me. Since National Day is coming, fly the flags in our hearts not just outside your windows.


Nice touch on the coming challenges but your point being?

And does this mean that the GE is near?

Okok, just read abit more, it was rather wordy. Yeah good call, but how, does it mean supporting the status quo more or what?

I rather not speculate on the GE date, but by the sounds I hear, it should be at least after next March (Budget 2006)...no one knows the date of GE, but I'm guessing it will be at least a year from now, maybe Dec 2006. Reason being that there are too many unpopular policies being rolled out this year...PAP will need some time for the ground to "soften".

Maintaining status quo is just our present living conditions and relations with the ruling party...and other things that we took for granted

1. As correctly mentioned by Meng Seng, Singapore doesn’t equates to PAP and rightly so. If a person chose not to display the National Flag for the reason that he/she is against the PAP government, I think he/she is just puerile.

The wrong formulation: Singapore does not equate to the PAP
The proper formulation: Singapore SHOULD not equate to the PAP

Through 40 years of policies, speeches, and action, the evidence points overwhelmingly towards the fact that our leaders believe what is good for the PAP is good for Singapore. The NTUC says so. The ST says so. Singaporeans read the script well enough to reject it, and it's rather odd that you're telling the masses what to think. Perhaps you will be kind enough to suggest a show of patriotism that cannot be incorporated or subsumed into legitimising the PAP?

2. Do you think investors would flock to Singapore if we do not have a clean and corrupt government? Would they come and invest if we do not have this first class infrastructure?

This is pure fantasy at best, and wishful thinking at worst. Investors flock everywhere as long as they can make profits, regardless of whether the government is clean or corrupt.

3. If you think you income is not high enough, are you not working hard enough?

You might as well say the poor don't need our sympathy since they're not working hard enough lor. Global inequality and social inequality exist because... the poor are lazy?

4. We are a young nation thrown into deep and unfriendly waters of the world. But in a short forty years, not only have we learnt to swim, but we have also swum faster than most other nations. In the next 10 years, we will face more competitions and more unknowns.

I'm sure Dick Lee wrote a song about this long ago. Stand up for Singapore?

5. Little did they know that their greener pastures still have unequal voting rights for minorities (Blacks, Hispanics and Asians), racial discrimination, welfare system that does not cater to the poor and needy and guns in every household (for the state of Florida).

Little do we know that 1/3 of Singaporeans have never voted in a General Election in their lives. We do know that there is racial discrimination in hiring (Chinese-speakers preferred), that our welfare system doesn't cater to anyone - even those who need it(in fact, we don't have a welfare system), and the suicide rate of students here has been skyrocketing since the 1990s.

6. European countries fared no better and suffered double digit unemployment for many years. Don’t expect yourself to walk in the streets of Rome or Boston in the middle of the night expecting the same kind of safety in Singapore.

I'm sure the ST has done this sort of thing before: Singapore boleh, other countries shit leh.

7. So, what IS the point of your article anyway?

Hi Akikonomu(how Japanese of a name can you get as a Singaporean)

Thank you for you comments (I meant this sincerely and not sarcastically). Personally, I can't help but to sense the cynicalism in your comments and your blog. Maybe you have been affected by PAP's policies or something but we shall not go into that. Politics and Democracy is about people's opinions and I'm glad that you voiced yours

1. First and foremost, do you think the Singapore flag is the PAP flag? Obviously not! Treating your own nation's flag is the very basic form of patriotism. So if ever, other countries call Singapore a "Snort", do you smile and say yes? Patriotism need not come in the form of loving ST, loving NTUC, loving your leaders because they are from PAP...but in expressionism, reaction and action. Definitely not in a defeatist or fatalism approach in all things Singapore and all things politics in Singapore.

2. Obviously, investors flocked everywhere and even to the darkest of systems. But maybe you are not a finance or business person to know that there are many kind of investors such as exploiters and scalpers and what kind of investors make your country grow and what makes your country sink. Do you think the same bunch of investors that exploited Nigeria are the same in Singapore?

3. Maybe my wording misled you to think that I equated poor to lazy. I never meant that and if I led to think that way, you must have problems differentiating "some residents" and "all who are poor are lazy". Nonetheless, I apologize that I could have express my words in a better manner...but I certain do not equate poor to lazy.

4. Sorry, I'm not a fan of Dick Lee and didn't know any of my comments are in his lyrics.

5. Oh, so you think that voting is preferred over poverty and senseless murder? The USA Second Amendment on gun rights to all Americans have led to 11,127 deaths by gun shot (legally purchased) in the year of 2002 alone. Maybe (again) you are not familar with social science and political science theories. What is democracy? It is a tool to bring power to the people and tool to bring benefit to all. It is a tool and a means, not an end. Democracy, with its short history has failed in many South American countries, Philippines, Italy, Spain and several other European countries. I'm not saying that Democracy is bad and Authoritarian is great. Both are just tools for the better of mankind.

Obviously, you do not know of the welfare nets in place in Singapore (which is a good thing, because it means that you are not the needy one). There are lots of welfare nets available but they are not explicit. Do you ever know that the needy and those physically/mentally challenged Singaporeans who have no one to depend on, receives around $600 per month (excluding free medical, lodging, befrienders and voluntary help) for all of their adult life? Even if they have some one to depend on, all these money still goes to them monthly and enjoy all the free medical benefits as well. Monthly, grassroots organizations gave thousands of dollars to those who are in need and voluntary find jobs for them.

If you don't call this welfare, then may I invite you to redefine welfare.

I find it absurd that you can use a sweeping word "racial discrimination" to describe the situation in USA and Singapore. You might not have been to England, USA or even Australia to understand to true conditions and intensity of their racial discrimination. Their struggle for racial equality cannot be understood but you and me. Till today, their problems are far worse than what you thought. And do you think our so-called "racial discrimination" can be 1% of what Afro-Americans went through in USA? Not by a mile!

Yes, suicide rates have increased in the 1990s. That was ten years ago and it is dropping now. Hong Kong, a country which everyone loves to compare, has suicide rates twice or triple of Singapore's. Again, USA is another country which I love to quote but most of the things I inform you are available in the book titled, "Culture of Fear". Strongly recommended to read and it will tell you how the first world countries has problems worse that third world countries.

6. Sorry, I didn't get these from ST but The Economist and Far Eastern Review. I don't think any liberalist in their right frame of mind would ever call these publications "Singapore Repressed Media Publications".

7. My point is simply to hope that Singaporeans can have some form of nationalism, know of the challenges ahead and treasure what we have now. I do expect cynical remarks to be thrown back at me, but mud-slinging is part and parcel of Singapore Politics. Obviously, I failed in evoke any form of nationalism in your comments. But maybe, just maybe, nationalism is in the blood of some, but not all. Is there a point in loving Singapore?

If you answer is no and pains you to say that you are a true blooded Singaporean, all I can say is that I truly hope that you can find a country that that can serve you well.

ps: I seek your forgiveness for my hot-headed reply. It does irritates me when one provides cynical remarks on Singapore without much understanding and research. Nonetheless, sorry for offending you with my straight forward comments done on a very hot day.

"Yes, suicide rates have increased in the 1990s. That was ten years ago and it is dropping now."
Not according to this: http://www.samaritans.org.sg/pdf/SuicidesStats.pdf

I don't need to go on for every other point to show who is the one in possession of the facts and the theories.

"Quite often there will be people whose utility supply was cut off, accumulated up to 5 police offences that are cause by his personal negligence and doesn’t even make an effort to find a job. His wife simply told me that she is reluctant to work anything more than part time as it is tiring. The constituent doesn’t intend to work beyond a security guard because it is an easy job. How do you expect the government to help you if you don't help yourself?"

"If you think you income is not high enough, are you not working hard enough?"

You deny you said being poor is a matter of being lazy?

"I find it absurd that you can use a sweeping word "racial discrimination" to describe the situation in USA and Singapore."

You deny then that there is any racial discrimination in Singapore? What then do you call the preference for Mandarin-speakers in recent job ads? The persistent relative poverty and socioeconomic status of the Malays? Their overrepresentation in jails? Higher incidence of drug abuse? Consistently poorer performance in school tests?

My goodness, you'll objecting to people who speak of social inequality in Singapore because we don't have emaciated children dying of hunger here.

Maybe it is a habit of yours to take my words out of context. If you ever notice one line above what you took, "I’ve been meeting some residents and helping them to break the poverty trap but reality bites" I'm just citing a few cases which I met. Seriously, I doubt you ever did any community service or petition writing for the residents right? You need an English Teacher!

Once again, you can't differentiate the different levels of racial discrimination. Maybe I should introduce my Afro-American friends to you and let you know what they when through compared to your "chinese-speaking preferred". Btw, certain job scope will need chinese speaking. In a company called FACT International, they stated those criterias as well. But they employed an Indian who is well verse in mandarin. Racial Discrimination? They seek some one to represent them in India and can speak their native language. They got a Chinese anyway.

I never object to people who speak on the social inequality. But I must admit to have short tolerance to those who find wrongs in everything of their own nation has to offer and find goodness in every other nations despite their obvious faults.

"You need an English teacher!", proclaims the person who coined words like "cynicalism"?
"I think anyone with a pair of function eyes can see..."

Hi Akikonomu

Yes, I think I carried that too far. My deepest apologies for saying these words with was uncalled for. Maybe I was too hot headed for these harsh and unfair words, which I should not have scolded under any circumstances.

We should have debated in a fairer tone. No offense.


Is the status quo really good? I wonder, alot.


Proclaimations of togetherness.

Feel good parades.

Racism is racism, regardless of degree, you want to have feel good factor, then pick any Sub-Saharan Africa country, you'll feel damn wonderful about your situation in no time.

While you may have not touched on this in your post, the recent events that will lead up to the presidential elections (or not) disgusts me.

The evoking of nationalism is not for the Presidential Elections but for something of far more importance: General Elections. Anyway, the presidential elections will be a walkover. Just see the news tomorrow.

Look like Mr Kuan's reputation had been had suffered a great hit. However I really wonder what JTC and Hyflux claimed are 100% accurate given their links to the establishment.

My view is that it will be a walkover. Under the constitution, candidates should be at least a CEO of a stat board. In the context of Andrew Kuan, he was a CFO but in terms of ranking, it is still below the CEO. Depending on the council if they are willing to lower the criteria, but that will open the floodgates for more people. So I doubt they will allow him to stand based on this. All the publicity of his dirt, is just to justify that as well.

Looks like our LTA had yet another foul up regarding the circle line. Troubles never seem to end for them.

dear thrasy ...
you have a point about us having something special ... maybe it's still better to stay and try to change things. i will read this post everytime i feel like i want to leave

Hi Wows

Thank you for your wonderful comments. I truly think that we are a special country and a group of special civilization. Let's hope more Singaporeans treasure and love their country more....

I think Chalcedonian is just trying his darnest in this entry to tell Singaporeans to be grateful for what they are enjoying but as with all good advice, they are inconceivable to the human ear - 忠言逆耳利于行。

I've taken a module on International Relations and read the trials & tribulations of some of the young states in the world. These states happen to better Singapore in country attributes such as population size, land area, natural resources, etc. Perhaps they lack the strategic location of Singapore. The revelation that dawned upon me is that I can find no other state in the world which has attained the level of development this teeny weeny island has reached in the span of 40 years. So there must something extraordinary that contributed to the development of Singapore till this today. That said. economic success has its price but would u prefer Singapore to be otherwise?

I don't.

"Even when then-DPM Lee Hsien Loong visited to Taiwan; it caused China to blow hot air at us for three months."
That was his biggest public mistake, pure and simple, no ifs and buts about it. Worse than the rebuke for his father by Deng Xiao Ping ("This is between family, you are not family"), that was a clear example of his lack of qualification for political office. On Singapore island, the biased media may put up an Orwellian type camouflage, but the international scene is not so easily fooled by the lame "private visit" bull. He tried another pathetic slant, that when he became PM be may not be able to visit Taiwan. Hello, Prime Ministers are not permitted private visits to another sovereign country? He was behaving like a kid who insisted on a particular lollipop that he must have, just in case someone else bought it first.

flashback: there were once we bought flags readily to display, and law forbid us to show it anytime of the year. now: RC members will hang flags en-mass if it's not displayed. me: i chose to remove them if they ever place it without my approval... gone are the days i have any nationalism feelings, it's all about $$$ now in Singapore Inc. sucks!

Hi Anonymous

Well, ideally, nationalism should be untainted by preferences for political party. In reality, its never case. But do differentiate between your belonging to the nation and to your unhappiness towards the policies.

Just a thought.


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The essential point for Singapore future is regional integration. Meaning Singapore must do every effort to bring other ASEAN countries into first world standars, it is not enough to think on nation-state basics. Singapore must become a liberal country and stop being racist, then expand these policies thought out Asia. Forget about the Asian values, they simply do not work, what it works is high security, rule of law, liberal mindsetting towards drugs, gays, religion or anything we don`t like. Keep it up!

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To lepanto:
I feel that it is the Asian values that make us Asians so successful no matter where we are. Values such as loyalty, the willingness to work hard and thriftiness always work no matter what the circumstances are. I agree that there are certain values that restrict us from becoming more successful but thats no reason to do away with Asian values as a whole. Also, there has to be a limit to being liberal. There are certain things that you mentioned which are disagreeable with me, like drugs and religion. I hope I am not misunderstanding what you are trying to say but are you supporting the legalization of drug peddling in Singapore? And what is meant by being liberal towards religion? Its not that I do not support liberty but if there is too much freedom, things can get very complicated.

Another thing that I wish to point out is that racism can be applied to many different aspect and does not limit to racial discrimination. Racism is a very strong word, meaning hatred towards a specific group of people. Discrimination, on the other hand, cannot be prevented. We form our own opinion with regards to certain issues, and some of these issues triggers a negative reaction. We can, however, prevent hate crimes, which is the best alternative. Of course it would be better if we would accept the difference amongst Singaporeans rather than tolerance.

My humble opinion on this blog post is that Singaporeans are politically inactive. When problems arise they push the blame on the government and do not wish to play a role in the problem solving. When the going gets tough, Singaporeans gets going. I come from somewhere further up North and I envy the status of Singaporeans. Being a Singaporeans has quite alot of advantage. Singaporean's passport is given quite an amount of respect worldwide. It is one of the few passports that can access to all the countries. Racial discrimination here in Singapore is not as serious as other countries in the world (USA, UK, certain countries further up north). I would hope that the younger generations can uphold the standards of the older generation and not let Singapore be the next Atlantis.

But I'm just saying... and I came from some country slightly up North.


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    Current results

    Do you have confidence in PM Lee Hsien Loong's leadership and his team of Ministers?
    Too early to tell...
    Any one but them!
    Current results

    Do you think Lee Hsien Loong became Prime Minister on his own merits?
    Yes! ("He was the best candidate")
    No! ("He has obvious backing from LKY")
    No! ("There wasn't any alternative candidate to challenge him in the first place")
    Current results

    Which of the (Junior) Minister to you wish to see him/her step down? (Part III)
    Raymond Lim
    Balaji Sadasivan
    Ho Peng Kee
    Chan Soo Sen
    Lim Hwee Hua
    Heng Chee How
    Gan Kim Yong
    Yu-Foo Yee Shoon
    Zainul Abidin
    Current results

    Which Minister do you wish to see him step down? (Part I)
    Lee Hsien Loong
    Goh Chok Tong
    Lee Kuan Yew
    Lim Boon Heng
    Lee Boon Yang
    Yeo Cheow Tong
    Mah Bow Tan
    George Yeo
    Teo Chee Hean
    Current results

    Which Minister do you wish to see him step down? (Part II)
    Lim Hng Kiang
    Wong Kan Seng
    S Jayakumar
    Tharman Shanmuguratnam
    Lim Swee Say
    Ng Eng Hen
    Vivian Balakrishnan
    Khaw Boon Wan
    Yaacob Ibrahim
    Current results

    What is your utmost concern for the coming General Elections?
    "Bread & Butter" issues - Jobs, economy, salary, etc
    Freedom of Speech - or lack of
    HDB issues - upgrading, high housing cost, etc
    International Issues - govt's handling of foreign relationships
    Transport issues - LTA, NEL, MRT
    Change of Leadership - from SM Goh to PM Lee
    All of the above
    I'll vote any party except PAP!
    I'll only vote for PAP!
    Current results

    Which is your favourite Minister?
    PM Lee Hsien Loong
    SM Goh Chok Tong
    MM Lee Kuan Yew
    DPM Jayakumar
    Dr Vivian Balakrishnan
    Teo Chee Hean
    George Yeo
    Tharman S.
    I Hate of them!
    Current results

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    The author of this blog bears no responsibility for any misinterpretation, libel, defamation, injury and death as a result of reading this blog. Contents are high subjective and readers should read with caution. All readers should be 18 years and above, with half a decent brain to judge the validity of the articles.

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